Instructor :: Kristy

在11歲的時候,KRISTY 愛上了舞蹈。從那時起她一直沒有放棄過夢想,直到她的信仰和命運把她帶到來 HKFDC,非常感謝她的朋友和佩佩老師。她用了將近10年的光陰學習芭蕾舞讓她進身 Ballet Philippines 的學員。 她曾在菲律賓參與數個著名的專業跳舞團體表演。也登上過電視廣告、電視節目、電影、企業節目及演唱會的舞台。她的技能和天賦給了她機會在菲律賓著名的廣播公司ABS CBN 擔任藝人、演員、歌手及舞蹈員,其後被Star Circle發掘為新晉的潛力藝人提供專門的陪訓及栽培。KRISTY 是 ABS CBN K.O.D Edge 及 ABS CBN MTB GeeGirls 的成員,兩個隊伍分別於午間及晚上時段於不同的節目內表演歌舞。 她的舞蹈天賦源於激情和努力。跳舞可以說是她的生命及靈魂。她從舞蹈中找到自我,她絕對不會為任何原因而放棄。

At the age of 11, KRISTY fell in love with dancing. Since then she never stopped dreaming until her faith and destiny brought her to HKFDC, big thanks to her friends and Ms Kelley. She danced ballet for almost 10 years which made her a scholar in Ballet Philippines. She danced professionally with several respectable groups in the Philippines. She has done TV commercials, TV shows, movies, corporate shows and concerts. Her skills and talent gave her the opportunity to be an artist, actress, singer and dancer in a prestige broadcasting network in the Philippines ABS CBN which led her to Star Circle, where new artists that they train and groom exclusively. Kristy was part of ABS CBN K.O.D Edge, a dance group for an evening variety show and ABS CBN MTB Gee Girls, a sing and dance group for a noontime variety show. Her natural gift to dance comes from passion and hard work. Dancing is literally her heart and soul. Dance makes her who she is and she wouldn't change that for the world.