Instructor :: Cherry
在2012年,Cherry 完成創意媒體與傳播學士學位,並且在NBN(National Broadcasting Network) 電視台實習幾個月廣播。
在2005-2008年期間是RCSM (Roosevelt College San Mateo)成員之一,並在不同學校和活動表演。
Cherry 非常好學,她不會錯失學習不同舞蹈的機會,所以她在Hiphop, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Dance Hall, Polynesian Dance 及不同舞蹈風格的知識和經驗帶給她很多表演機會。
她在(SMYP) San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Group 編排舞蹈已經有6年的經驗。她也是在ABS-CBN 的電視節目 The Singing Bee 和 It's Showtime 的前舞蹈員,曾與菲律賓不少著名歌星於不同電視節目和大型活動中合作。
Cherry finished a degree of AB-Broadcasting in 2012 and had practiced broadcasting for few months in NBN 4 (National Broadcasting Network). She was a member of the RCSM (Roosevelt College San Mateo) Dance Troupe 2005-2008 where she performed at every school activities and programs. In her tertiary level, she led a dance group and they joined in the dance competition of Globe Campus Connect 2011. Cherry always seeks and grabs every opportunity to learn more and enhance her skills in dancing. She has a knowledge and experience in Hiphop, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Dance Hall, Polynesian Dance and other dance styles which gave her many opportunities to perform. She choroegraphed for 6 years in San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Group and also participated in Team Illusionist. She was a former dancer of “The Singing Bee” and “It’s Showtime” in ABS-CBN on TV. She was also able to experience to be a back-up dancer of various famous artists in the Philippines.
Cherry finished a degree of AB-Broadcasting in 2012 and had practiced broadcasting for few months in NBN 4 (National Broadcasting Network). She was a member of the RCSM (Roosevelt College San Mateo) Dance Troupe 2005-2008 where she performed at every school activities and programs. In her tertiary level, she led a dance group and they joined in the dance competition of Globe Campus Connect 2011. Cherry always seeks and grabs every opportunity to learn more and enhance her skills in dancing. She has a knowledge and experience in Hiphop, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Dance Hall, Polynesian Dance and other dance styles which gave her many opportunities to perform. She choroegraphed for 6 years in San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Group and also participated in Team Illusionist. She was a former dancer of “The Singing Bee” and “It’s Showtime” in ABS-CBN on TV. She was also able to experience to be a back-up dancer of various famous artists in the Philippines.