Instructor :: Yvonne
Yvonne於 4 歲開始接受芭蕾舞訓練,並考獲英國皇家芭蕾舞學院文憑。於1998年加入Kelley Production Company接受不同舞蹈的訓練。由於表現突出,公司為她安排了不少電視、演唱會之舞蹈演出及參予過不少廣告拍攝工作,包括KFC、麥當勞、大家樂、洗衣粉、可口可樂、檸檬茶、脫脂奶等等。Yvonne曾參予的舞蹈表演足跡遍及多個國家,如美國、加拿大、澳洲、法國、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、中國多個城市等。於2003年開始Yvonne晉升為Kelley Production表演編排之一,期間曾擔任不少大型時裝表演、電視節目、公司晚宴、展覽會等等之製作及編排。不可不提的是Yvonne接管幼兒教育機構的舞蹈編排工作後,數年間已為不少學校於公開舞蹈比賽中獲取數以百計的獎項。
YVONNE started her ballet training at age of four, and she has acquired a diploma from the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD). In 1998, she joined Kelley Production Company, which offered different types of dance training. Owing to her outstanding performance, Yvonne had a lot of chances jobs related to TV, concerts and dance shows. She had also participated in the commercial shooting, such as KFC, Mcdonald’s, Cafe De Coral and Coca-Cola, moreover, she has performed all over the world, eg. USA, Canada, Australia, France, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. Since 2003, Yvonne became one of the choreographers in Kelley Production, in charge of the production of large fashion shows, TV programmes, annual dinners, and exhibitions. One thing deserves to be mentioned is that, after handling the choreography work for early childhood education by Yvonne, these institutions have won hundreds of awards in different dance contests.
YVONNE started her ballet training at age of four, and she has acquired a diploma from the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD). In 1998, she joined Kelley Production Company, which offered different types of dance training. Owing to her outstanding performance, Yvonne had a lot of chances jobs related to TV, concerts and dance shows. She had also participated in the commercial shooting, such as KFC, Mcdonald’s, Cafe De Coral and Coca-Cola, moreover, she has performed all over the world, eg. USA, Canada, Australia, France, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. Since 2003, Yvonne became one of the choreographers in Kelley Production, in charge of the production of large fashion shows, TV programmes, annual dinners, and exhibitions. One thing deserves to be mentioned is that, after handling the choreography work for early childhood education by Yvonne, these institutions have won hundreds of awards in different dance contests.