Instructor :: Rex

程偉彬 (Rex Cheng) - 編舞/舞者 (香港) 畢業於香港演藝學院藝術,主修中國舞。畢業後旋即成為香港動藝舞蹈團註團舞者,現為獨立編舞、舞者及太極/瑜伽/普拉提導師。 近年舞蹈演出作品包括香港舞蹈聯盟製作《起跳2016》李思颺之《見習人類》及進念二十面體黃大徽之《春之祭》等。 程氏過去數年亦發表其個人編舞作品,包括《36號》、《煙霧瀰漫》、《數、你》舞蹈劇場、2016年 CCDC舞蹈中心《真演出》系列《你開丨關了燈?》之光明磊落、2017年香港藝術發展局香港藝發局新苗計劃之《庖丁》及康文署「舞蹈新鮮人系列」之《獨.蝸》、2018年3月香港藝術節《舞鬥》項目之《兩生》。作品《獨.蝸》榮獲2018年香港舞蹈年獎傑出小型場地舞蹈製作。 除編舞及舞蹈演出外,程氏亦積極參與海外的交流活動,包括2017年於加拿大紐芬蘭舉辦世界舞蹈聯盟高峰會中教授《太極之養生功用工作坊》及藝發局資助於韓國首爾舉辦之表演藝術博覽會等。

REX graduated at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and got the BFA(Hon) Degree in Dance, major in Chinese Dance. After graduation he was immediate became a member of the DanceArt Hong Kong and now he is a freelancer. He was involved in a lot of local and overseas' dance and stage performances, including "The White Haired Girl" from the Perry Chiu Experimental Theatre, "WuDaoQingNian - Podium Dance Performance" by the City Contemporary Dance Company, "Out of Nowhere" from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts choreographed by Xing Liang, "Qingming Riverside" by the Hong Kong Dance Company, "Fragile" by JS Dance Theater at Malaysia in 2011, Cultural Ambassador of the "Hiyori Forever" of DanceArt Hong Kong in 2012, "Queen of the Wind" from Big Stage Theatre and Honger Music Venture choreographed by Mohamed Drissi in 2012 , "We Are No Body" by the Hong Kong People's Fringe Festival in 2012, "St Francis of Assisi" by St Francis Musical in 2013, "It is really lovely here...or so I heard" choreographed and supervised by Wong Chi-wing in 2013, Cultural Ambassador of the "Memory Catcher" by DanceArt Hong Kong choreographed by Cai Ying, "Gan Eden" by Pleroma Theatre Production choreographed by Yankov Wong and Andy Wong in 2013, "illusion-art-scape" by DanceArt Hong Kong and Hong Kong Dance Festival choreographed by Francis Leung in 2013, "Disorder" by E - SIDE DANCE COMPANY (Imagination Boom Series) choreographed by Tracy Chan in 2014, "Gengyi Ji" from DanceArt Hong Kong choreographed by Yvette Huang in 2015 and "Human Internship" from Hong Kong Dance Alliance choreographed by Justyne Li etc. In the past years REX has also published some solo choreography work, including Rehearsal (2013), No.36 (2014), Tear Up / Gear Down (2015), DepARTure (2015) and On l Off? (2016) etc.