Instructor :: Paul
PAUL 從高中時代便一直跳舞。他早於2011年已在馬尼拉考取了專業的舞蹈健體教練資格,他曾被邀請於大型購物中心內擔任教授超過數百名舞者的領舞員達四年之久。他還曾在馬尼拉的一間鄉村俱樂部中及一間健身中心擔任專業健身舞蹈教練。他也有在香港海洋公園裡演出。霹靂舞、地板舞、自由風格的舞蹈及肢體控制都是他的專長。他雖然喜歡嘻哈,但拉丁的節拍亦可以令到他聞歌起舞。他精力充沛,往往將有趣的元素帶入課堂中。就讓我們一起投入他的舞蹈世界吧!
PAUL have been dancing since his high school days. He got a professional dance fitness instructor accreditation in Manila in 2011. He had mall gigs attended by hundreds for four years. He also worked as a professional dance fitness instructor at a country club and at a Gold's Gym branch both in Manila. He also had a stint as a performer at Ocean Park, Hong Kong. Break dance or b-boying, isolations, free style dance are my special skills. He loves hiphop but the latin beat never fails to ignite the dancing flame in him. He is extremely energetic, always incorporating fun into his classes. So let's start the engine and be ready to be transported into his dancing world.
PAUL have been dancing since his high school days. He got a professional dance fitness instructor accreditation in Manila in 2011. He had mall gigs attended by hundreds for four years. He also worked as a professional dance fitness instructor at a country club and at a Gold's Gym branch both in Manila. He also had a stint as a performer at Ocean Park, Hong Kong. Break dance or b-boying, isolations, free style dance are my special skills. He loves hiphop but the latin beat never fails to ignite the dancing flame in him. He is extremely energetic, always incorporating fun into his classes. So let's start the engine and be ready to be transported into his dancing world.