Instructor :: Macky
Macky 十歲開始跳舞,從小已在家鄉的慶祝活動中展現舞蹈天份,經常為整個社區表演,小學時加入了學校的官方舞蹈團整整11年直至中學。大學時期開始接觸不同類型的舞蹈,包括爵士舞、嘻哈舞、民族舞及現代舞,並開始參加各項舞蹈比賽,其在鬥舞(Dance Battle)中的獨特鮮明形象及精湛舞技令他很快便「跳出名堂」。
於大學三年級他加入了菲律賓著名舞團The Addlib,得到很多電視幕前表演及國外的參賽機會。
雖然同時要兼顧舞團及學業,但Macky仍然以出色的成績畢業。他於The Addlib的七年間職位晉升至高級編舞導師及曾擔任旗下附屬舞蹈團之負責人。其間,他隨團參與三個國際性舞蹈大賽,包括國際嘻哈舞大賽 Hip Hop International及世界舞蹈錦標賽 World of Dance 均取得第一名。他亦曾於美國著名舞館Millenium Dance Studio 及 Movement Lifestyle Studio跟隨多名荷里活舞蹈導師Tricia Miranda, Yanis Marshall, Will Da Beast, Jojo Gomez及 Laure Courtellemont等人習舞。
Macky 擅長教授 Dancehall, Hip Hop and Jazz Funk.
MACKY started dancing at the age of 10. He started to love dancing through festivities in their hometown and just loves to perform for the whole community. When he entered grade school in the Philippines, he joined the official dance troupe of his school for 11 straight years. In college, this is where he first experienced different kind of genres like Jazz, Hip-hop, Folk dance & Contemporary dance. This is also the first time that he started to join dance competitions between schools and got really famous in the dance community because of his unique blowouts and moves in dance battles. In his 3rd year of college, he joined a professional dance company - The Addlib where he was formally trained for TV Shows and out of the country dance competitions. He both worked out his studies and his passion in dancing at the same time and graduated with flying colors. In The Addlib, Macky became a Senior Choreographer and the former head of one of the subgroups in the group for 7 years. Here, he was introduced a lot of new and formal genres like Jazz Funk, Tap, Jazz, Hiphop, Dancehall and a lot more. Macky joined 3 international competitions like Hiphop International and World of Dance where they bagged 1st place in the nationals. He already joined competitions in Australia & in the US twice with The Addlib. While staying in the states, Macky took and trained a lot in the famous dance studio in the world, Millenium Dance Studio and Movement Lifestyle Studio where famous choreographers in Hollywood teaches there like Tricia Miranda, Yanis Marshall, Will Da Beast, Jojo Gomez, Laure Courtellemont and many more. His dance style specializes in Dancehall, Hip Hop and Jazz Funk.
MACKY started dancing at the age of 10. He started to love dancing through festivities in their hometown and just loves to perform for the whole community. When he entered grade school in the Philippines, he joined the official dance troupe of his school for 11 straight years. In college, this is where he first experienced different kind of genres like Jazz, Hip-hop, Folk dance & Contemporary dance. This is also the first time that he started to join dance competitions between schools and got really famous in the dance community because of his unique blowouts and moves in dance battles. In his 3rd year of college, he joined a professional dance company - The Addlib where he was formally trained for TV Shows and out of the country dance competitions. He both worked out his studies and his passion in dancing at the same time and graduated with flying colors. In The Addlib, Macky became a Senior Choreographer and the former head of one of the subgroups in the group for 7 years. Here, he was introduced a lot of new and formal genres like Jazz Funk, Tap, Jazz, Hiphop, Dancehall and a lot more. Macky joined 3 international competitions like Hiphop International and World of Dance where they bagged 1st place in the nationals. He already joined competitions in Australia & in the US twice with The Addlib. While staying in the states, Macky took and trained a lot in the famous dance studio in the world, Millenium Dance Studio and Movement Lifestyle Studio where famous choreographers in Hollywood teaches there like Tricia Miranda, Yanis Marshall, Will Da Beast, Jojo Gomez, Laure Courtellemont and many more. His dance style specializes in Dancehall, Hip Hop and Jazz Funk.