Instructor :: Jalwin
跳舞是 Jalwin 的愛好,他跳舞已接近二十年,但從來沒有感到厭倦。他第一次跳舞時只有七歲,及後加入了舞蹈團並學習民間及本地舞蹈。在高中時,他也接觸爵士、街舞、現代舞蹈和戲劇,亦曾獲得總統獎表揚他在藝術和文化上的成就及技能。他升上大學後改變了他的舞蹈生涯。他在菲律賓一家最享負盛名的民間舞蹈公司 Filipinescas 成功通過試鏡,他從那
時起開始接觸芭蕾舞。經 Filipinescas 的陪訓後,他意識到自己極為喜歡芭蕾舞,所以他做了人生中最大的決定,決定於菲律賓最大的芭蕾舞學院Ballet Philippines 繼續他的芭蕾舞陪訓練,起初他被接納為男學員,後來成為學徒。現在他在 HKFDC 繼續他對舞蹈的愛及激情。
Dancing is JALWIN's passion, he has been dancing for more than a decade now but he never gets tired of doing dancing again and again in everyday of his life. He first tried dancing when he was seven. He joined the dance troupe and he learned folk/native dances. In high school he learned a little jazz, hip-hop, contemporary dancing and also acting. He was given a Presidential Award for his skills in arts and culture. Then he went to college which made his career in dancing became more serious, he auditioned in a dance Company the Filipinescas which is one of the most prestigious Folk Dance Company in the Philippines. He passed the audition and that was the time when he started ballet. Then after Filipinescas, he realized that he loves doing ballet so he had made the biggest decision, he continued doing ballet in one of the most spectacular and biggest name in dance and art industry the Ballet Philippines, he was accepted as a male scholar and later on became an apprentice. And now he is here in Hong Kong Funky Dance Centre to continue his passion and his love in dance.
Dancing is JALWIN's passion, he has been dancing for more than a decade now but he never gets tired of doing dancing again and again in everyday of his life. He first tried dancing when he was seven. He joined the dance troupe and he learned folk/native dances. In high school he learned a little jazz, hip-hop, contemporary dancing and also acting. He was given a Presidential Award for his skills in arts and culture. Then he went to college which made his career in dancing became more serious, he auditioned in a dance Company the Filipinescas which is one of the most prestigious Folk Dance Company in the Philippines. He passed the audition and that was the time when he started ballet. Then after Filipinescas, he realized that he loves doing ballet so he had made the biggest decision, he continued doing ballet in one of the most spectacular and biggest name in dance and art industry the Ballet Philippines, he was accepted as a male scholar and later on became an apprentice. And now he is here in Hong Kong Funky Dance Centre to continue his passion and his love in dance.