Instructor :: Jack
JACK 14歲開始參加不同的舞蹈比賽並贏得不少獎項,他的哥哥不但鼓勵他到馬尼拉學習拉丁舞,更加成為他的第一位舞蹈教師。Jack 對於舞蹈的熱愛驅使他參與不同的遴選,擴闊視野。他也在Chameleon Dance Company 學習現代舞、爵士舞及芭蕾舞。
2005年開始,Jack 於香港迪士尼樂園擔任演藝人員。但後來他發現將自己的專業及知識分享給別人最有滿足感,因此三年後他選擇當一名導師,以舞蹈教育作為自己的事業。
不論是快或慢板的歌曲,Jack 都全情投入在音樂中,而透過舞蹈,可以讓他將所感受的一一傳達給觀眾。
JACK is a professional dancer and teacher. He joined in a various dance competitions and won several place when he was 14. His brother inspired him to learn Latin Dance in Manila and he was Jack’s first teacher. Jack’s passion in dancing had made him to go for different auditions to expand his knowledge. He learnt Modern Dance, Jazz and Ballet in Chameleon Dance Company. In 2005, Jack came to Hong Kong and started to work in Hong Kong Disneyland for 3 years. However, he found that he loved to share all his knowledge to students and this was the reason why he chose to become a dance instructor afterwards. He loves being into the music and dancing gives him a chance to express himself and what he feels to the audience, from slow to upbeat music.
JACK is a professional dancer and teacher. He joined in a various dance competitions and won several place when he was 14. His brother inspired him to learn Latin Dance in Manila and he was Jack’s first teacher. Jack’s passion in dancing had made him to go for different auditions to expand his knowledge. He learnt Modern Dance, Jazz and Ballet in Chameleon Dance Company. In 2005, Jack came to Hong Kong and started to work in Hong Kong Disneyland for 3 years. However, he found that he loved to share all his knowledge to students and this was the reason why he chose to become a dance instructor afterwards. He loves being into the music and dancing gives him a chance to express himself and what he feels to the audience, from slow to upbeat music.