Instructor :: Catherine
CATHERINE 十歲的時候便於菲律賓 Effie Nanas School of Ballet 學習芭蕾達七年之多,並擁有舞台表演及各類型表演的豐富經驗。在她的高中歲月,她曾加入了啦啦隊五年,代表學校參加一個著名的比賽並嬴得冠軍。與此同時她表現出對體操的興趣,於是她的媽媽便讓她在 Rhythmic Gymnastics 就讀了六年,並於多個賽事中嬴得金、銀牌及轉送她到其他地區作賽。大學時期,她申讀 HRIM 主修旅遊並成功申請助學金參與學校 Footworks DanceTheatre 的課程。後來,她的朋友邀請她加入電視舞蹈組 GFORCE,幸運地她成功了並遇
上 Japs、Hassette 及 Peter 。大學畢業後,她試演並得到了香港迪士尼樂園賞識。Catherine 於HKFDC 工作之七年間參與過無數大型舞蹈表演,涉足的舞台除中港澳以外,還曾隨佩佩老師前遠赴台灣、星馬、美加及澳洲等地。
CATHERINE first trained Ballet at Effie Nanas School of Ballet in the Philippines at the age of 10 for 7 years and experienced stage shows and performances. During her high school years, she joined Cheering Squad Team for 5 years and represented her school and won 1st place and champion in a prestigious competition. She got interested in gymnastics as well, so her mom got her enrolled in Rhythmic Gymnastics at the same time for 6 years and won in different competition as gold and silver medalist and sent to other regions. During her college years, she took a course as HRIM majoring in Tourism & she also joined in her school club which is Footworks Dance Theatre as a scholar student. Later on, her friend invited her to join in a TV Dance group of which called GFORCE and luckily she got in and there she met her co-instructors Japs, Hassete, and Peter. After college, she auditioned and got in as a performer at Hong Kong Disneyland. During her seven working years in HKFDC, she has participated in numerus big dancing show, which allowed her to dance beyond China. She has followed Ms Kelley performing in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Canada and Australia.
CATHERINE first trained Ballet at Effie Nanas School of Ballet in the Philippines at the age of 10 for 7 years and experienced stage shows and performances. During her high school years, she joined Cheering Squad Team for 5 years and represented her school and won 1st place and champion in a prestigious competition. She got interested in gymnastics as well, so her mom got her enrolled in Rhythmic Gymnastics at the same time for 6 years and won in different competition as gold and silver medalist and sent to other regions. During her college years, she took a course as HRIM majoring in Tourism & she also joined in her school club which is Footworks Dance Theatre as a scholar student. Later on, her friend invited her to join in a TV Dance group of which called GFORCE and luckily she got in and there she met her co-instructors Japs, Hassete, and Peter. After college, she auditioned and got in as a performer at Hong Kong Disneyland. During her seven working years in HKFDC, she has participated in numerus big dancing show, which allowed her to dance beyond China. She has followed Ms Kelley performing in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Canada and Australia.