Instructor :: Arisu
ARISU 於16歲開始跳街舞,及後於舞蹈學校接受專業訓練如芭蕾、現代、爵士、嘻哈和霹靂舞。他還是菲律賓 Aerobic Gymnastic 隊的成員,並參加了美國內華達州拉斯維加斯 World Series 男子組別的個人比賽。目前Arisu 是 HKFDC 的高級導師。他於 2010 - 2014年間獲得高級導師獎項。他在舞蹈的熱情從未停止,依然堅持定期到海外進修。他的座右銘是:後悔不是因為我做了甚麼,而是我沒有做到甚麼。
ARISU started as a street dancer at the age of 16, and pursued to go school and professional training such as Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip-hop, and break dancing. He also took part as Aerobic Gymnastic team Philippines member and competed at World Series in Las Vegas Nevada as Male Individual. Presently Arisu is a Senior Instructor at the HKFDC. He had got Senior Instructor Awardee from 2010-2014. His passion in dance never stops and he is still pursuing professional Training overseas. His motto: I never regret when I do it...but I always regret when I don't.
ARISU started as a street dancer at the age of 16, and pursued to go school and professional training such as Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip-hop, and break dancing. He also took part as Aerobic Gymnastic team Philippines member and competed at World Series in Las Vegas Nevada as Male Individual. Presently Arisu is a Senior Instructor at the HKFDC. He had got Senior Instructor Awardee from 2010-2014. His passion in dance never stops and he is still pursuing professional Training overseas. His motto: I never regret when I do it...but I always regret when I don't.