Instructor :: Julius
Julius 相信,舞者對舞蹈的追求是永不休止,因此從街舞開始,他一直接觸不同類型的舞種,包括Waacking、Girl Style、Hiphop,他也曾是一名電視節目的舞蹈員。在2015年,Julius 代表菲律賓參加於澳洲舉行的World Supremacy Battlegrounds 並進入十強。而在菲律賓舉行的NCCA舞蹈比賽他也贏得第二名。醉心舞蹈的Julius 對教學充滿熱誠,常鼓勵學生跳出框框,勇於嘗試新事物。他的課堂是強勁及爆汗的,更承諾定必充滿歡笑聲!
Julius believes the pursue of dancing never ends, he has started being a street dancer and has explored in various dance styles including Waacking, Girl Style, Hiphop etc. He was former dancer of television programs. In 2015, Julius represented Philippines to compete in World Supremacy Battlegrounds in Brisbane Australia, and achieved top 10. Also, he got 1st runner up in NCCA dance competition. Julius is passionate in teaching to motivate and embrace students trying new things that they have never imagined. His class is powerful, sweaty and promises a lot of laughs.
Julius believes the pursue of dancing never ends, he has started being a street dancer and has explored in various dance styles including Waacking, Girl Style, Hiphop etc. He was former dancer of television programs. In 2015, Julius represented Philippines to compete in World Supremacy Battlegrounds in Brisbane Australia, and achieved top 10. Also, he got 1st runner up in NCCA dance competition. Julius is passionate in teaching to motivate and embrace students trying new things that they have never imagined. His class is powerful, sweaty and promises a lot of laughs.